
The New Zealand immigration Green List - green for go?

The New Zealand immigration Green List - green for go?

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In 2020, while the entire world was distressed about Covid-19 and borders were closing, Immigration New Zealand ("INZ") decided to close the tap on skilled migration. A decision was made to suspend the selection of expressions of interest (also known as EOI). The selections normally occurred on a fortnightly basis and would result in a selected candidate receiving an Invitation to Apply for Residence under the Skilled Migrant Category. The suspension remains in place at the time of this article.
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Accredited Employer Work Visa - the new visa and what you need to know

Accredited Employer Work Visa - the new visa and what you need to know

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Melissa Johnston
Significant changes are coming to the immigration sector in New Zealand, which will have major repercussions on employers who are intending to hire migrants to work in New Zealand. The Accredited Employer Work Visa ("AEWV") is a new temporary work visa being introduced on 4 July 2022. This new visa is one step in the Government's five step plan for reconnecting New Zealand to the world after the Covid-19 pandemic.
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