Legal Landscapes Post-COVID: Navigating Global Challenges for Businesses
Thursday, December 21, 2023
As the world grapples with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses face a myriad of legal challenges. From the financial strain on corporations to the nuances of insurance claims and employment law intricacies, the landscape is evolving. This article explores the potential areas of litigation that have emerged globally, shedding light on crucial aspects for businesses to consider.
Read more![Has New Zealand Finally Been Ordered to Allow Freedom of Movement?]()
Has New Zealand Finally Been Ordered to Allow Freedom of Movement?
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government issued the Covid-19 Public Health Response (Isolation and Quarantine) Order 2020 ("IQ Order") in September 2020. Most kiwis are well aware of the IQ Order, and understood it to mean that if we leave New Zealand, we will be required to self-isolate at a managed isolation facility for 14 days upon our return (until the announcement last week confirming a shortening of the managed isolation period for residents returning to NZ after 14 November 2021).
Read more![Can you Require or Encourage an Employee to take the Covid-19 Vaccine?]()
Can you Require or Encourage an Employee to take the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Friday, February 12, 2021
Recently there have been a number of announcements by large employers overseas making the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory for customers and or employees. However, in New Zealand the Ministry of Health has confirmed that it will not be making the Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for New Zealanders. Given the current climate, employers in New Zealand are considering their options, including whether to make the vaccination mandatory in the workplace or even if they can encourage their employees to have the vaccine.
Read more![Health and Safety Protocols for the Construction Industry - Covid-19 Alert Level 2]()
Health and Safety Protocols for the Construction Industry - Covid-19 Alert Level 2
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
There is an important update on the health and safety requirements in the construction sector we wish to share with you if you have not yet been updated. Over the last few weeks, the situation with Covid-19 in New Zealand has noticeably improved. However, it is too soon to celebrate, and there is no room for complacency as we will still be under Covid-19 Alert Level 2, starting this Thursday 14 May 2020. It will remain critical, perhaps more than ever, for everyone in the construction industry to take all necessary steps to keep the virus under control until we are down to Alert Level 1.
Read more![Electronic Signing of Contracts]()
Electronic Signing of Contracts
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Part 4 of the Contracts and Commercial Law Act 2017 ("CCLA") provides that, with some few exceptions, where a signature is required by law (including to conclude a contract) you can sign that document electronically provided certain conditions are met. An electronic signature is defined in the CCLA as a method used to identify a person and to indicate that person's approval of that information.
Read more![Leasing in a Post-Pandemic World]()
Leasing in a Post-Pandemic World
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
A New Normal - The impacts of the Covid-19 virus have been felt the world over and have pushed businesses to their limits. Parties on each side of a lease have been left with the job of negotiating through untested and uncertain lease clauses in a time where the support being offered by Government has been unclear and anyone who did hold insurance is discovering that 'pandemics' and 'infectious diseases' are a common policy exemption.
Read more![Construction Contracts: Contractual Framework for Navigating Through Covid-19 Alert Level 4 (NZS 3910:2013, NZS 3915:2013, NZS 3916:2013 & NZS 3902:2004)]()
Construction Contracts: Contractual Framework for Navigating Through Covid-19 Alert Level 4 (NZS 3910:2013, NZS 3915:2013, NZS 3916:2013 & NZS 3902:2004)
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Parties to construction contracts, especially those contractors (and subcontractors) who are engaged to carry out particular contract works by an agreed due date for completion, may be exposed to penalties or "liquidated damages" if unable to carry on or complete those works during the Covid-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown.
Read more![A time to reflect on estate/trust matters]()
A time to reflect on estate/trust matters
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
The current 'lockdown' is unprecedented. In times like these your first priority is to ensure you take care of yourselves, friends and family. However, while it is important to protect those close to you, you should also give consideration to the protection of your assets. Accordingly, it may be an opportune time to review your current estate planning to ensure everything is 'as you would like' and, if you have a trust, to make sure that it aligns with the provisions of the Trusts Act 2019 ("the Act") which was enacted this year but comes into force at the beginning of 2021.
Read more![Hardship - Consumer Credit Contracts Under a Covid-19 Related Lockdown]()
Hardship - Consumer Credit Contracts Under a Covid-19 Related Lockdown
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Section 55 of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 ("CCCFA") provides that a person who is unable reasonably, because of illness, injury loss of employment, the end of a relationship, or other reasonable cause, to meet their obligations under a consumer credit contract and who reasonably expects to be able to discharge their obligations if the terms of the contract were changed as provided for under the CCCFA may apply to a creditor to agree to that change. In the present Covid-19 lockdown, we expect these provisions to be tested and both debtors and creditors need to know their rights and responsibilities in these sorts of situations.
Read more![Practical Guidance for Employers During Covid-19]()
Practical Guidance for Employers During Covid-19
Thursday, April 2, 2020
The Covid-19 Lockdown is a unique situation that continues to change rapidly and this raises a number of questions and concerns for people, especially in the employment space. The situation surrounding Covid-19 requires flexibility from both employers and employees.
Read more![Redundancy During Covid-19]()
Redundancy During Covid-19
Thursday, April 2, 2020
In the wake of the Covid-19 lockdown, many employers are assessing options available to them to save their business and are contemplating cutting staff. This decision should not be taken lightly as the underlying requirements for proper termination of employment still apply.
Read more![Financial Support for Employers During Covid-19]()
Financial Support for Employers During Covid-19
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
In response to the Covid-19 outbreak the Government has announced a $12.1 billion support package to support the economy. If you are an employer, contractor, sole-trader or self-employed, you may be eligible to apply for financial support.
Read more![How are the Courts Operating During the Covid-19 Lockdown?]()
How are the Courts Operating During the Covid-19 Lockdown?
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Right Honourable Helen Winkelmann, has assured the legal profession and members of the public that the Courts will be operational during all Covid-19 alert levels, including lockdown during alert level 4: "Courts are an essential service. New Zealand courts must continue to uphold the rule of law and to ensure that fair trial rights, the right to natural justice and rights under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act are upheld."
Read more![Frustration, Force Majeure and Covid-19]()
Frustration, Force Majeure and Covid-19
Monday, March 30, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic and the announcement of the Level 4 Covid-19 threat level in New Zealand has meant that many businesses may be forced to default on their commercial obligations, especially as non-essential businesses are told to close. However if their contracts contain a "force majeure" provision, this may provide them with a way out.
Read more![Construction, Builders, NZS3910 Building Contracts and Covid-19]()
Construction, Builders, NZS3910 Building Contracts and Covid-19
Monday, March 30, 2020
At a press release on 24 March 2020 at 1.00 pm a spokesperson for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) said: "If you are in doubt whether you are an essential service, you're probably not".
Read more![Leases in the Time of Covid-19]()
Leases in the Time of Covid-19
Friday, March 27, 2020
We have been fielding an unprecedented (but understandable) number of queries from both tenant and landlord clients wanting to understand the legal position in respect of either termination of commercial leases, and obligations in respect of rental/outgoings payments.
Read more![Getting on top of your legal affairs – what you could do during the lockdown period]()
Getting on top of your legal affairs – what you could do during the lockdown period
Friday, March 27, 2020
During this unprecedented and unsettling time, there is an opportunity here to take advantage of the phone calls and emails slowing down (for some) and use your time to address those things you have been putting off – a bit like that painting job most people have been meaning to get to.
Read more![Family Mediation Services Continue to be Available During Level 4 Alert]()
Family Mediation Services Continue to be Available During Level 4 Alert
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Amidst the Covid-19 lockdowns initiated by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Monday 23 March 2020, many Kiwis are feeling stressed and uncertain about their current situation. When issues arise, especially at an unprecedented time like this, it’s often best to talk them out and work together to find positive solutions. If parenting, child welfare and other family issues arise that you need to discuss, we are here to assist.
Read more![Free Online Family Legal Advice Service During Covid-19]()
Free Online Family Legal Advice Service During Covid-19
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Stocking up on food items, school, restaurant, cinema and non-essential business closures, and plenty of hand-sanitising. The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and the Government’s measures to flatten the curve are affecting our behaviour, and our relationships. Staying at home with our families during this period of nationwide self-isolation can cause issues to arise.
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