Children are vulnerable and innocent and your drive to protect them and keep them safe is shared by McVeagh Fleming’s specialist in children’s rights, custody and guardianship law. Let’s put the interests of the child first.

Care of children legal proceedings, disputes, custody matters and guardianship orders – including acting for the child – are some of the Care of Children legal areas dealt with by McVeagh Fleming Lawyer’s specialist team in the Family Court.

Care of Children

  • Custody orders
  • Interim custody or guardianship
  • Guardianship (sole and additional guardianship)
  • Wardship
  • Restraining orders and interim restraining orders
  • Support orders
  • Lawyers for the child
  • Family matters
  • Family Law
  • Family violence
  • Family Protection Act.

Child custody

Separation is a difficult time. Every parent and every guardian would agree that the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration in the event of any custody situation.

The Care of Children Act 2004 supports parents and guardians working together, agreeing on day-to-day care (access), and resolving disputes. Dealing with legal requirements and processes can be stressful and confusing. Our expert team is here to provide calm, clear advice at each step.

In these matters, it’s important to know your rights. Talk to us to find out more about:

  • Childcare and custody matters
  • Divorce / dissolution
  • Relocation
  • Spousal or child support costs
  • Child visitation
  • Parenting and contact orders
  • Paternity
  • Division of relationship and other property
  • Care and protection
  • Adoption
  • Guardianship
  • Family protection.

Recent Insights

July 2024

Relocation Disputes

Considering relocating with your child to a different city or country? It's essential to understand that such a move requires the consent of the other parent. The decision about where a child lives is a significant guardianship matter, and both parents must agree on it.
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May 2024

Children who Resist, Refuse or Reject a relationship with their Parent

Separating from your spouse or partner is often stressful, complicated, and painful especially when children are involved. Reaching an agreement about how a child's care will be shared can be challenging and deepen conflict between parents if they do not see eye to eye.
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May 2024

Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Upon separation, it's usually assumed that relationship property will be divided equally unless there's a prenuptial or premarital agreement. However, if there are special circumstances where equal division isn't fair, the court might order a different division to ensure fairness and justice.
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