Dealing with the administration of a deceased person's will and estate? Let our people in the Estate Administration Teams assist you with their professionalism and expertise during this often difficult time.

If a deceased person has more than $15,000.00 in sole assets or property, then an application for a grant of probate is going to need to be made to the High Court. We can assist in this process which is complex and detailed. Probate, once granted by the High Court, gives the persons entitled to administer a deceased person's estate, the right to proceed with that administration.

For estates with less than $15,000.00 in, say, a bank account and where the deceased person does not own a property or have a retirement occupation licence, then there is often no necessity to obtain a grant of administration and there are less formal requirements which the McVeagh Fleming people can assist with.

Call McVeagh Fleming and ask to be put through to one of our Estate Administration Teams so you can have a chat with our people about:

  • Process of administration of an estate;
  • Formal requirements necessary to inform banks, insurance companies, share registries of the deceased person's death;
  • How to pay for funeral expenses from the deceased person's bank account;
  • Preparation of documentation required for a grant of probate or letters of administration from the High Court;
  • Advice on how to deal with problems arising from relationships, both marital and fraternal;
  • How to deal with challenges to a will and applications for further provision from a deceased person's estate;
  • Process of distribution of an estate;
  • Inland Revenue Department's requirements for an estate.

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