Care of Children

Relocation Disputes

Relocation Disputes

Written by:
Kiri Petrie
Niamh Forgie
Considering relocating with your child to a different city or country? It's essential to understand that such a move requires the consent of the other parent. The decision about where a child lives is a significant guardianship matter, and both parents must agree on it.
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Children who Resist, Refuse or Reject a relationship with their Parent

Children who Resist, Refuse or Reject a relationship with their Parent

Written by:
Jackie Dale
Amber Holdaway
Separating from your spouse or partner is often stressful, complicated, and painful especially when children are involved. Reaching an agreement about how a child's care will be shared can be challenging and deepen conflict between parents if they do not see eye to eye.
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Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Niamh Forgie
Upon separation, it's usually assumed that relationship property will be divided equally unless there's a prenuptial or premarital agreement. However, if there are special circumstances where equal division isn't fair, the court might order a different division to ensure fairness and justice.
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To Vaccinate or Not: Parental Decisions About Paediatric Covid-19 Vaccination

To Vaccinate or Not: Parental Decisions About Paediatric Covid-19 Vaccination

Written by:
Rosanna Wu
Parents have the mutual goal of wanting the best for their child. Naturally, there are disagreements as to what "the best" means. A notably difficult decision has arisen in recent years for parents about whether or not their child is going to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. This is a guardianship issue in family law.
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Travel From Level 3 to Level 2 for Shared Care as of 11.59 pm 28 September 2021

Travel From Level 3 to Level 2 for Shared Care as of 11.59 pm 28 September 2021

Written by:
Alissa Bell
At 3.00 pm on 28 September 2021, the Government announced changes to travel during the current Alert Level 3. Travel across the border from Level 3 into Level 2 has been strictly limited, but the new rules that take effect at 11:59 pm tonight (28 September 2021) now permit travel across the border if one or more of the following situations applies to you:
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What are my Options if I Wish to Separate From my Partner During Alert Level 4 Lockdown?

What are my Options if I Wish to Separate From my Partner During Alert Level 4 Lockdown?

Written by:
Alissa Bell
The combination of isolating within one bubble along with additional financial stress, changes to childcare and working from home can bring personal relationships closer or unfortunately, push them apart. Breakdowns in personal relationships can add an additional layer of stress to an already difficult situation. However, it is important to remember that help is available.
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Facilitating Day-to-Day Care and Contact Through the Covid-19 Delta Variant Lockdown

Facilitating Day-to-Day Care and Contact Through the Covid-19 Delta Variant Lockdown

Written by:
Alissa Bell
Due to the recent presence of the highly contagious Covid-19 Delta variant within communities throughout New Zealand, the country has been placed into an Alert Level 4 Lockdown. The stringent lockdown restrictions may have implications for parents who have shared care arrangements, Parenting Orders, or who are involved in Family Court proceedings. This can create an added level of stress and anxiety as parents try to navigate both lockdown rules and day-to-day care of their children.
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Is There Such a Thing as a Conflict Free Separation?

Is There Such a Thing as a Conflict Free Separation?

Written by:
Alissa Bell
A separation doesn't have to be fraught with conflict, including when Lawyers are involved. If you have recently separated and need some assistance with resolving a dispute involving property and/or children you may want to consider doing so under the framework of Collaborative Advocacy.
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Is Self-Isolation Pushing you Together or Pulling you Apart?

Is Self-Isolation Pushing you Together or Pulling you Apart?

Written by:
Alissa Bell
Feeling stressed or anxious about how Covid-19 (coronavirus) and New Zealand entering alert level 4 with nationwide lockdowns will affect you and your family members? Times of crisis can result in a push-and-pull effect with our personal relationships. They bring people together – only those in your household! - but difficult times can also lead to difficulties arising in our relationships with our, quite literally, nearest and dearest.
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Family Mediation Services Continue to be Available During Level 4 Alert

Family Mediation Services Continue to be Available During Level 4 Alert

Written by:
Alissa Bell
Amidst the Covid-19 lockdowns initiated by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Monday 23 March 2020, many Kiwis are feeling stressed and uncertain about their current situation. When issues arise, especially at an unprecedented time like this, it’s often best to talk them out and work together to find positive solutions. If parenting, child welfare and other family issues arise that you need to discuss, we are here to assist.
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Free Online Family Legal Advice Service During Covid-19

Free Online Family Legal Advice Service During Covid-19

Written by:
Alissa Bell
Stocking up on food items, school, restaurant, cinema and non-essential business closures, and plenty of hand-sanitising. The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and the Government’s measures to flatten the curve are affecting our behaviour, and our relationships. Staying at home with our families during this period of nationwide self-isolation can cause issues to arise.
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Changes to Protection Orders From 1 July 2019

Changes to Protection Orders From 1 July 2019

Written by:
Alissa Bell
From 1 July 2019, changes are being made to all Protection Orders, including those made before this date. The Family Violence Act 2018 repeals and replaces the Domestic Violence Act 1995 and modifies the Care of Children Act 2004 as part of ongoing efforts to tackle domestic violence issues in New Zealand with the aim of providing faster, more effective protection for protected persons and increasing accountability and compliance by respondents.
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Applying for a Protection Order

Applying for a Protection Order

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
When you apply for a Protection Order you are applying to be protected from violence and harm caused by another person to you. To qualify you must be or have been in a domestic relationship with the violent person ("the respondent"): ie have been in a close and personal relationship, are the parents of, related to through blood or marriage, etc.
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Empowering Survivors: Understanding Legal Dynamics in Abusive Relationships

Empowering Survivors: Understanding Legal Dynamics in Abusive Relationships

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