Relationship Property

Children who Resist, Refuse or Reject a relationship with their Parent

Children who Resist, Refuse or Reject a relationship with their Parent

Written by:
Jackie Dale
Amber Holdaway
Separating from your spouse or partner is often stressful, complicated, and painful especially when children are involved. Reaching an agreement about how a child's care will be shared can be challenging and deepen conflict between parents if they do not see eye to eye.
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My Ex is hiding assets from me, what can I do?

My Ex is hiding assets from me, what can I do?

Written by:
Vinnie Kumar
Niamh Forgie
At the end of a relationship, both parties must fully disclose their assets and liabilities to divide their property fairly. If one party withholds information, reaching a fair agreement becomes difficult, and any agreement made could be challenged and possibly overturned later.
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Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Niamh Forgie
Upon separation, it's usually assumed that relationship property will be divided equally unless there's a prenuptial or premarital agreement. However, if there are special circumstances where equal division isn't fair, the court might order a different division to ensure fairness and justice.
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Can bad behaviour cost you during divorce or separation?

Can bad behaviour cost you during divorce or separation?

Written by:
Julia Warrington
When sorting out the monetary side of separation, the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 ("the Act") sets out how property is to be divided for relationships that qualify. It generally aims to divide property (the assets and liabilities including houses, cars, superannuation, mortgage loans etc.) in a way that is “fair”. This means the starting point is that property is divided equally. However, there are some exceptions.
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Maintenance after the end of a relationship

Maintenance after the end of a relationship

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Niamh Forgie
After separation, one partner may need financial support while they transition to becoming financially independent. Spousal maintenance is separate from child support payments as its focus is on supporting an adult party rather than supporting any children. If a party has made an application for spousal maintenance, they can apply to receive interim maintenance urgently from the other party, to assist them financially in the interim while the final spousal maintenance proceedings are being settled.
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Enforcing a Nikah (an Islamic marriage contract)

Enforcing a Nikah (an Islamic marriage contract)

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Rosanna Wu and Amber Holdaway
If you and your partner intend to enter into a nikah, it is important to consult with a lawyer to advise you of the possible effects and implications of that agreement and your property rights should you and your partner separate. If you and your partner have already separated and you have entered into a nikah, a lawyer can also advise you on what that means for your relationship property entitlements.
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The importance of Prenuptial Agreements has increased

The importance of Prenuptial Agreements has increased

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Protecting assets has become an integral aspect of modern relationships, with the growing importance of prenuptial agreements for safeguarding individual interests. In June 2023, the New Zealand Supreme Court issued a significant ruling in the case of Sutton v Bell, which centered on Sections 44 and 26 of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 ("PRA"). This decision marks a pivotal shift in the interpretation of key legal provisions governing property rights in relationships.
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Separation - What's in a date?

Separation - What's in a date?

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Vinnie Kumar
When was it over? When to call it quits? When did you say goodbye? Am I separated? What's in a date? In the midst of a relationship breakdown, when you and your former partner are separated is not often a front-of-mind question. However, your separation date can be important information in family law proceedings.
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Setting Aside Relationship Property Contracting Out Agreements

Setting Aside Relationship Property Contracting Out Agreements

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Niamh Forgie
Entering into a relationship property contracting out agreement ("prenuptial agreement" or "premarital agreement") allows couples to determine together how they would like their separate and shared property divided if separation or death occurs.
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What are my Options if I Wish to Separate From my Partner During Alert Level 4 Lockdown?

What are my Options if I Wish to Separate From my Partner During Alert Level 4 Lockdown?

Written by:
Alissa Bell
The combination of isolating within one bubble along with additional financial stress, changes to childcare and working from home can bring personal relationships closer or unfortunately, push them apart. Breakdowns in personal relationships can add an additional layer of stress to an already difficult situation. However, it is important to remember that help is available.
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Getting on top of your legal affairs – what you could do during the lockdown period

Getting on top of your legal affairs – what you could do during the lockdown period

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During this unprecedented and unsettling time, there is an opportunity here to take advantage of the phone calls and emails slowing down (for some) and use your time to address those things you have been putting off – a bit like that painting job most people have been meaning to get to.
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When is Your House the "Family Home"? / Will my House be Split 50/50?

When is Your House the "Family Home"? / Will my House be Split 50/50?

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
A special status is given to the "family home" in relationship property disputes under the relevant legislation, the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 ("the Act").
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Dispelling Some Of The Myths About Property Division On Separation

Dispelling Some Of The Myths About Property Division On Separation

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
Most people who have been through a separation would agree that it is a difficult and stressful time. This can be exacerbated when there is confusion or misunderstanding about what property is classed as relationship property and what property is classed as separate property. The Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (“the Act”) provides a code for how property is to be divided on separation for couples who are married, in a civil union partnership or de facto/same sex relationship.
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