Family Protection Act

Relocation Disputes

Relocation Disputes

Written by:
Kiri Petrie
Niamh Forgie
Considering relocating with your child to a different city or country? It's essential to understand that such a move requires the consent of the other parent. The decision about where a child lives is a significant guardianship matter, and both parents must agree on it.
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How Much is a Promise Worth? What You Need to Know About the Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949

How Much is a Promise Worth? What You Need to Know About the Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
The situation seems simple. A promise is made (by the "promisor") to someone (the "promisee"), that they will be rewarded in the promisor's Will for work or services carried out. Time passes, and the (now deceased) promisor has failed to follow through on their promise, leaving no such reward (or less than what was promised) in their Will. The promisee can then claim against the deceased's estate for the remuneration that was promised to them. Such claim is made under the Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949.
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When Charity Does Not Begin at Home and Testamentary Freedom Triumphs

When Charity Does Not Begin at Home and Testamentary Freedom Triumphs

Written by:
Peter Fuscic
The truism that charity begins at home might have been given a serious knock back going by the recent UK Supreme Court decision concerning an adult daughter's claim against her mother's estate in IIott v Mitson [2017] UKSC 17.
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